Michel Gonzalez, Luthier d’Art

  • Michel Gonzalez founded « le violon de Pyrène » nearly 20 years ago with Isabelle Perrin. Isabelle Perrin is now working with  Brun & Perrin  in Paris and continues to share with Michel Gonzalez a passion for the Quartet instruments.
  • The luthier, for the love of the instruments and music, dedicates his life to the development of his skills and mastery which he makes available to amateurs or professionals alike.
  • The luthier is dedicated to the instrument and the musicians and will know how to answer your questions.
  • The luthier  can value and repair. He has a deep knowledge of the acoustic requirements of concert instruments. He can therefore make the necessary adjustments tailored to the musician’s specific and personal artistic demands
  • For your children, he can advise you on the choice of instruments as your child grows.
  • On request, he can create violin, viola, viola da gamba…
  • Do not hesitate to visit just to ask him questions.


A music shop & a workshop

39 rue Emile Guichenné

64 000 PAU


Opening hours :

  • from tuesday to friday : 2h30 pm - 7h pm
  • saturday : 2h30 pm - 5h pm
  • mornings by appointment only


Tél : 05 59 27 06 33

@ contactme