Michel Gonzalez founded « le violon de Pyrène » nearly 20 years ago with Isabelle Perrin. Isabelle Perrin is now working with Brun & Perrin
in Paris and continues to share with Michel Gonzalez a passion for the Quartet instruments.
The luthier, for the love of the instruments and music, dedicates his life to the development of his skills and mastery which he makes available to
amateurs or professionals alike.
The luthier is dedicated to the instrument and the musicians and will know how to answer your questions.
The luthier can value and repair. He has a deep knowledge of the acoustic requirements of concert instruments.He can therefore make the necessary adjustments tailored to the musician’s specific and personal artistic demands
For your children, he can advise you on the choice of instruments as your child grows.
On request, he can create violin, viola, viola da gamba…
Do not hesitate to visit just to ask him questions.